Dark Peers Out Of The, Er, Dark
It's been a long time since we've heard from DARK, a spooky action-RPG. Six months, in fact, with pretty much radio silence from its publicity machine. So to reappear with only more screenshots at this point seems a little odd. It's time for some more footage, guys. Moving pictures. This doesn't feel like progress. The last time we saw it was May's rather impressive teaser, that showed the cel-shaded design, and the FEAR-alike scares. And since then, just the memories. Now, some images:
I'm hoping that they're just really bad at taking screenshots, rather than the sparse, monotone locations being representative of the game. A few in there look enticing, a lot don't. Although despite the dreadfully boring nature of the one conversation image, it does point out that this is more than a shooter - and with its vampire theme, it's hard not to hope that there are maybe echoes of Vampire colon Masquerade colon Bloodlines. Clickem to biggem.
The game's due out in Q2 next year. That was once a specific date in February, so I smell ambiguous slipping.