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Day Z Developers Putting The 'Z' In Rezzed

What would a celebration of all things wonderful in PC and indie gaming be without the sensational Day Z mod? Lacking, that's what it would be. The story of Day Z and its effect on Arma II's sales is a fascinating one and the experience of playing creates more tension than Alfred Hitchcock juggling chainsaws on a unicycle. Brighton-based Rezzed, powered by Eurogamer and our good selves, shall host Dean "Rocket" Hall and Matt Lightfoot who will run a developer session on Saturday (7th) at 2pm and the game will also be playable on the show floor. Click for tickets and more details.

During the session, Hall and Lightfoot will discuss the game's development and their thoughts for the future. There will also be fragile alliances and murderous intent on display as people experience the game while within bellowing distance of one another. For the first time, if someone murders you and steals your every possession you'll be able to look at them disapprovingly for the rest of the day. Provided they do that in the game. Hurrah!

Rezzed is on the 6th and 7th of July at the Brighton Centre.

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