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De Blob out now on PC, only 9 years late

Blebber blate blan blever

Every party-goer knows it’s cool and trendy to arrive late. You wait until everyone is tipsy and bored of each other, then you appear in the doorway, hands full of ice creams, wearing your best pair of gloves. de Blob [official site], the jazzy puzzle-platformer about painting the town red and other colours, has arrived to the PC party a whole 9 years after its original release on the Wii. So, uh, hi de Blob.

The gist of it is: Chroma City has been taken over by a bad, bad dude and his corporation that has outlawed all use of colour. And that’s not good. As a sentient globule of colour-slurping matter, you have to dip yourself in paints and roll around on stuff to make it colourful again. Each colour also has its own jazzy instrument and as you colour things a soundtrack slowly develops. You can mix different primary colours to create secondary ones, just like a real paintist.

I only played de Blob 2, which was more or less the same thing. The platforming and world was totally forgettable but I dug the way the music and colour combined in red, saxy ways. It felt like more of a distracting toy than anything “gamey” but it certainly had its charm. It’s on Steam for the normal price of £17.99/$19.99, which feels like a bit too much to ask for something from 2008. But there’s also a 25% off sale for its release, if that persuades you.

Hang on, what the hell is this? De Blob wasn't late to the party. He was early!

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