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Feast Your Eye-Borgs: Deus Ex - Mankind Divided Trailer

Reveal trailer contains any stabbings

The reveal trailer for the new Deus Ex game [official site] shows the full meaning of that subtitle - almost every man in the video ends up divided right down the middle by a stonking great stabby cybernetic implant. Packed with ultraviolence, it's the sort of trailer that tells me absolutely nothing about how I'll actually play the game but I can't deny that it's done the trick. I'm even more excited than I was earlier today when I explained to Graham why Deus Ex makes my plastanium heart skip a beat.

It's the haves against the have-nots - that's the have-augmented-bits against the have-not-got-augmented-bits - and it looks spectacular.

Watch on YouTube

There are some beautiful shots hidden between the splatters and the skewerings. Icarus-Jensen at the top there is one example but I particularly like this shot.

Official detail! (you can tell they're official because the name of the game is CAPITALISED)

DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED takes place in 2029, two years after the events of HUMAN REVOLUTION and the infamous ‘Aug Incident’ in Panchaea that resulted in the death of millions at the hands of those who had installed augmentations. This event has created a huge divide between those who have augmentations, and those who do not. Amongst this emotional turmoil are various factions looking to manipulate the public by twisting public opinion of augmentation to further their own agenda and hide the truth of what really happened.

As the social and political chaos reaches boiling point, super-augmented anti-terrorist agent Adam Jensen re-enters the fray. Empowered by brand new augmentations that bolster his formidable, strategic arsenal, Jensen will visit multiple new locations to uncover the truths that are hidden by a cloak of new conspiracies. With more choice at the player’s disposal than ever before, DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED is the ultimate DEUS EX experience.

It's coming soon, says the cybermind of Square Enix. We're looking forward to seeing what it's made of.

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