Ghosts, Jelly, And Wilderness: Devs With Ferguson Bundle
Proceeds supporting the public library
I can hear the Bargain Bucket just over the horizon, rolling this way filled with howling plushies, but I wanted to point out one sale specifically. It ends tonight, you see, contains a fine spread of interesting games not usually seen in bundles, and helps a good cause. The Devs With Ferguson Bundle includes games like remarkable exploration platformer FJORDS, survive 'em up Eidolon, bouncy bouncy The Floor is Jelly, spooky wanderer Marginalia, two-player space/breakup shooter SPACE/OFF, and more. Proceeds will go to the Ferguson Public Library in Ferguson, Missouri.
The full bundle lineup is A Very Very VERY Scary House, Eidolon, SPACE/OFF, Boson X, Game Test Life, FJORDS, Marginalia, The Floor is Jelly, and Intimate, Infinite. It covers a wide spread of genres, from Choose Your Own Adventure book to survival sim. We've written about many of them.
John enjoyed trying the survive the pretty wilderness of Eidolon a lot. I liked Intimate, Infinite, an odd little thing inspired by the writing of Jorges Luis Borges, and despite a few reservations had a spooky time in Marginalia. Nathan didn't understand why we weren't all bouncing around in The Floor Is Jelly. Alec recommended plumbing the mysteries of Fjords. I've heard good things about a few of the others too.
Many are types of games I know readers are sometimes hesitant to buy, knowing they're short or weird or experimental, so having several in one bundle is quite special.
The Devs With Ferguson Bundle has a minimum price of $9. Do note the warning that the organisers will pull the bundle at midnight Eastern time tonight (that's 5am on Sunday morning for us) so be sure to download the games before then.