Why Did Nobody Play The Floor Is Jelly?
Sweet And Sour
Hey you! Yeah, you. The one with the facial expression that says, "I think I have a relatively full and complete understanding of my world's physical properties, including the basic solid nature of the ground beneath my feet." YOU ARE WRONG. The Floor Is Jelly. Other things are jelly too. Trees, lamps, houses, your sense of morality - all of that. Really though, it's not so bad once you get used to it. It's pretty charming, even. The Floor Is Jelly is now on Steam, so I've made a quick video to show you why it's a vibrant, soothing dive off the deep end that didn't get near enough attention when it first came out earlier this year. Watch me bounce (and bounce and bounce and bounce) below.
(Apologies for the patchwork editing job. I'm still learning, and it didn't occur to me until just now to take a single music file and put it on top of the whole thing. Next time, etc.)