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Diaries Of A Spaceport Janitor Looks Delightful

Burn after reading

What is Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor [official site]? Not entirely sure. Don't really care. Some kind of wander-o-read-a-clean 'em in a bustling spaceport? Dunno. The point is, Sundae Month's game looks delightful! We may not get to play it until spring, but for now I'm enjoying a whole load of lovely moving pictures.

"You play as the Janitor," explain publishers tinyBuild, "an Alaensee woman with a municipally-subsidized trash incineration job, and dreams of leaving the planet of Xabran's Rock far behind her." So you roam around and read things and eat psychedelic eyeballs and incinerate trash and, look, what has me so excited is all these animated gifs (or gifs converted to video, whatever, can it pedants) Sundae Month have been tweeting (I'll not post them all, so hit them up for more):

Proper good, that. I do still enjoy the combination of a 3D world with 2D sprites for character and decoration, as seen in Bernband, Little Party, which lets small teams create bustling, animated worlds full of unique details. I look forward to poking around this spaceport, visiting pubs, making offers to a goddess, and delving into bins.

Oh, and if you missed it when it came out, Sundae Month's free game Petrichor is a pleasant forest adventure.

Diaries does also have a trailer, but it's not nearly as cool as those GIFs:

Watch on YouTube

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