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Did He Fall, Or Was He Trip?

In case you missed this heavily linked ShackNews article about someone at EA having made a number of dubious changes to Electronic Arts' Wikipedia entry, here's the lowdown:

Someone at EA doesn't want you to know about Trip Hawkins, the publishing giant's original founder. On multiple occasions, a user with an IP address of a range registered to Electronic Arts' Redwood City headquarters--has tried to remove several references to Hawkins' legacy from the Electronic Arts Wikipedia page.

Poor old Trip. I mean 3DO were rubbish - but don't kick a man when he's... extremely wealthy. Anyway, this all comes via someone actually bothering to use the rather clever Wikipedia Scanner. Good work, ShackNews, you've shone a flashlight in the eyes of shadowy PR, and we at RPS applaud that (although we're less keen on your website colour-scheme).

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