Disney Infinity 3.0 Stars Now Warring On PC
The dark side of toys
PC is far from the ideal platform to play Disney Infinity [official site], as I understand it, because it doesn't have a magic technoportal to zap its physical toys into the game ("toys-to-life" is the craptastic industry term I recently heard for such things). However, I also understand some people are not very picky about how and where they get more Star Wars, even more Star Wars, all of the Star Wars, so here: Disney Infinity 3.0 has arrived for Windows, two months after its console launch. It has a lot of Star Wars.
This means Disney, Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars characters are all now merrily romping around together, fighting, platforming, and all that. It's made primarily for young'uns, obviously, but so's Haribo and I can't pretend I'm not hoping to snatch up discounted Horror Mix in the shops over the next week.
Disney Infinity 3.0 is free to download though Steam, the Windows Store, and its website, but that's basically a demo.
If you want to do much of anything, you'll need to pay for sets, characters, and all that. You can do this with microtransactions, or codes are included with the physical toys. Given that the magic put-a-figure-on-a-portal-and-wow-they-magically-appear-in-game isn't an option on PC and that is half the appeal of the expensive toys, I can't imagine many folks are playing exclusively on PC. I suspect it's intended more as a bonus companion for folks already playing (or with kids playing) on console.
Anywho, here's an old trailer showing some of the Star Wars-y bits: