Star Wars Boldly Going Into Disney Infinity 3.0
Live long and prosper with the Force
You've had a Star Was bed spread, Star Wars pyjamas, Star Wars crockery, Star Wars t-shirts, a Star Wars backpack, Star Wars sunglasses, a Star Wars wedding cake, a Star Wars credit card, and a Star Wars coffin, but do you have Star Wars video games? Well, yes, obviously. But do you have Star Wars characters running around with Spider-Man and Mickey Mouse? Well, outside of those weird Quake mods. Aha! Right!
You may soon, as Star Wars is coming with Disney Infinity 3.0. Announced yesterday, the new version of the collect-o-fight-a-platformer is due this autumn.
Star Wars is the biggest addition with this version. Oodles of Star Warriors will come, to duke it out on new Play Set campaigns. One stars Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, set during the prequel trilogy, while another has Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and chums fighting that nasty old Empire. Another Set, based on the new movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens is planned for winter.
It'll bring new Marvel stuff too, like a set based on Avengers: Age of Ultron. More on all that here. Back on the Disney-ish side of Disney, it'll bring a set from Pixar's upcoming Inside Out and new characters like a plain old regular Mickey and Mulan.
This is less of a big deal on PC than it is on consoles. On homeboxes, the game costs money and as well as DLC, Disney sell Skylanders-style toys to unlock in-game stuff (or play with making laser noises with your mouth). On PC, Disney Infinity is free-to-play and all additions come as microtransactions, with no toys. I'm a little surprised it even has a PC release, really, given how much of A Big Thing toys are. Do any of you or young people you know play it on PC, chums? Do say.