Don't Let It Catch You: Race The Sun
Those unlucky enough to follow me on twitter would have a very hard time not already having heard of Kickstarted dodge-the-environment game Race The Sun, given the three weeks or so I spent constantly playing it and reporting high scores, particularly unfair crashes or general "THIS GAME IS SO GOOD HOLY MOLY"s. For those unaware, there's a trailer beneath, along with information on how to get your sleek, gorgeous hands (manicured nails? VERY nice. You know how to impress) on the beta.
I believe my original reaction to this trailer was, "oh, that is my fucking jam, yes sir," followed by a quick pre-order for beta access. I've only just noticed that poster though. Why must videogames torture my wallet in this way? Anyway, you lucky fellow and fellowettes don't have to drop a dime for similar privileges with details on limited free access now available. Since I chipped in developers Flippfly have added not only an entire co-operative and asynchronous multiplayer relay mode for teams of up to four, but also an entire level editor which the community has already put to use in original ways.
There's also been a patch this very morning:
- Tons of relay mode fixes and tuning. Now multiplier, and powerups will carry over to the next player!
- Game will check for relay invites between rounds
- Daily highscores are now unlimited instead of just the top 10!
- Death screen shows your current highscore rank
- Fixed world editor screen resolution bugs
- Fixed bug where reaching 15 multiplier didn’t complete objective
- PUBLIC BETA: Unlocked 2 more levels (up to level 9)
If somehow you're still unready to praise the sun, check out an old build over on Kongregate and then, once you've realised how wrong you were, race me to the Greenlight page before the 1.0 release arrives some time this month.