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DoomRL Is Now 90% Handsomer

Tiles are the most exciting thing you can say to a rogue-like likerer: it means that their most-liked of genres has been updated with graphics. DoomRL's graphical update has been hanging around since 2007, when Spelunky maker Derek Yu promised he'd add them. Now, in 2012, the year of the Mayan apocalypse, he's finally done it. I'm not saying that this update, which also brings with it some music and mouse options, is the harbinger, the beginning of the end of the age of man, the time we've all known was coming yet did nothing to prevent, the year everything changes and the world fights back. No, really, I'm not saying that at all: you're twisting my words horribly. Stop it! What I am saying is DoomRL has had its biggest update. It's free, it's cute in a 'aw look at him shotgun those flying eye-balls' kinda way, and there's a nice video of it below. I've no idea where you got that apocalypse stuff from, weirdo.

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