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Drive!Drive!Drive! races out soon, thrice, upside-down


I've been so distracted by its GIFs of cybercars zooming through corkscrews and smashing through opponents that I missed the fact that Drive!Drive!Drive! [official site] is almost out. It is. December 13th is when Different Cloth's weird racing game arrives, and to be honest I'm still not entirely sure how its whole deal of 'racing across multiple tracks at the same time' works. That's fine. Did I mention the cybercars racing through dinosaur mouths and the track editor and the soundtrack by Zombi? I was somewhat distracted by those too.

Right. So. As I understand it, each track actually contains several copies of the same track - up to four. You can only drive one car at a time, with slightly daffy AI covering for you while your attention is elsewhere, so you end up jaunting between tracks to try and stay ahead as much as possible. I think that's it. I think that's it? I think that's it. Oh, and the racing looks pleasing smashy, wreaking all sorts of havoc.

Anyway, back to what has made my mind wander me so:

Good stuff, good stuff. December 13th it is, on Steam.

If you want to get all fancy, here's the trailer made to announce its PS4 version:

Watch on YouTube

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