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Duke Nukem Not Never

Just a brief note on something we really should have mentioned a couple of days back - Shacknews have, they claim, actually seen Duke Nukem Forever in action. Like, with their eyes and stuff. The very scant report they gave had some calling shenanigans, but 3D Realms' George Broussard later popped his head into the thick of it to offer some apparent corroboration.

All the detail on offer is this:

"We actually got to see the truth of Duke curator George Broussard's many past claims, including environmental puzzles and interactivity, a host of finished weapons, the existence of an in-game forklift, and plenty of heads and arms being blown off. We both confidently agree that after seeing this demonstration, Duke Nukem Forever is looking great, and will easily stand apart from the crowd in both visual and gameplay styles."

An in-game forklift! Stop the fricking presses!

I jest, of course. The info-embargo is understandable, and it's good to hear more evidence that DNF is at last on its way, even if there's nothing whatsoever to yet prove if and how it's a triumph.

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