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When and where to watch the big E3 livestreams

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Publishers are lining up to announce and show off their upcoming games at their big annual press conference-o-market-o-ramas, starting today. This is all livestreamed nowadays, and it's certainly more comfortable to be watching from home than the conference rooms (sorry, Brendy), and it's always a lark.

Cars descend from the rafters for no reason, lights flash, music plays, terrible terrible just awful jokes are told, YouTubers and Twitch streamers amble meekly onto stage, the assembled games media whoop and cheer wildly at the next year of mega-budget 7/10 games, and there are always pleasant surprises. Here's who to watch, where, and when.

I'll list times primary in E3's local time, Pacific, because it gets all sorts of confusing across timezones. Maybe one day they'll all see reason and host E3 in Blackpool instead of Los Angeles.

Saturday, June 9th

  • Electronic Arts 11:00 Pacific (19:00 BST) on Twitch and YouTube.

Sunday, June 10th

  • Microsoft 13:00 Pacific (21:00 BST) on Twitch and YouTube.
  • Bethesda 18:30 Pacific (02:30 on the 11th BST) on Twitch and YouTube.
  • Devolver Digital 20:00 Pacific (04:00 on the 11th BST) on Twitch

Monday, June 11th

  • Square Enix 10:00 Pacific (18:00 BST) on Twitch and YouTube.
  • Ubisoft 13:00 Pacific (21:00 BST) on Twitch and YouTube.
  • PC Gamer's PC Gaming Show 15:00 Pacific (23:00 BST) on Twitch and YouTube.
  • Sony 18:00 Pacific (02:00 BST on the 12th) on Twitch and YouTube.

Tuesday, June 12th

Yeah yeah, I know Sony and Nintendo don't publish PC games. However, many games from other publishers that Sony show will be on PC too, and Nintendo's presentations are just lovely to see, filled with pleasant colours and noises.

We've already gabbed about our hopes and wild dreams for E3 2018 (come on, No One Lives Forever 3!), but what are you looking forward to? And more importantly, can Devolver Digital top their astonishing presentation from E3 2017?

Check out our E3 2018 tag for more announcements, trailers, and goodness knows what else.

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