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EA BioWare Mythic Moon Unit Now Just: Mythic

Mythic have been through more name changes than Prince. The team who first came to attention through their MMO Dark Age Of Camelot as Mythic Entertainment saw their first change when they were snapped up by EA. Their development on the not-so-successful Warhammer: Age Of Reckoning had caught the attention of the big publisher in 2006, and was eventually branded with the name "EA Mythic". Then come 2008 they changed their married name back to Mythic Entertainment, but only for a year, when EA attempted to splice them with BioWare. Thus BioWare Mythic was born, with the studio helping out on Star Wars: The Old Republic, alongside their own projects. And now, three years on, that seems to be over. While still owned by EA, they're on their own once more, and from today going by the far more enigmatic: Mythic.

This is because of a "new focus" according to the very brief announcement on the Warhammer site, while saying that nothing else is changing:

"Everything else stays the same - our passionate teams will continue to support and develop our existing titles as well as working on some new and exciting projects."

Somewhat confusingly, their new website calls them Mythic Entertainment, but this might have more to do with clearly being camped on. However, if I were a cannier sort, I might have noticed Paul Barnett's Twitter account showing photos of the new Mythic offices a couple of weeks ago, without the BioWare logo. Journalism fail.

Their current project is of course Ultima 4 remake, Ultima Forever, about which Adam spoke to lead designer, Kate Flack, earlier this year.

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