Virtual Desktop Spudbud: Electric Love Potato
I love you, potato
Electric Love Potato is not a game. However, nor are Windows or Twitch and we post about those. Creator Natalie Lawhead (of Froggy and the IGF-winning Tetrageddon Games) calls the free virtual desktop assistant "a game enhancer", explaining that "Like the Oculus Rift, Mouse, or Keyboard, Electric Love Potato will take your game, browsing, or workday, and take it to a new, positively reinforced, level... from the bottom right of your monitor (where it prefers to operate)."
Could this be The Year of the Desktop Imaginary Friend? Perhaps Windows 10's Cortana will also sing and offer recipes.
Available from GameJolt or Itch for Windows and Mac, Electric Love Potato gives you your very own desktop potato friend. It'll roll around merrily, taking up a huge chunk of your screen. You can pet it if you want to, with a click urging it to talk to you, sing to you, tell you a recipe, or goodness knows what else. It's got two things on its mind: potatoes, and how much it loves you.
I cannot imagine keeping my new spudbud running all the time, but I've certainly had a few minutes of fun with it. Now I shall consign it to the dark cupboard of my Games folder to sprout digital eyes and roots then horrify and delight me when I rediscover it in a few months.