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Enhance! Jagged Alliance Flashback Diorama

CSI is a show that invents sexy technology to solve crimes (CSI means Cool Solvers International, madeupfact fans). I honestly don't know how any crime gets done with the level of tech they have. Gary Sinese once solved a crime with a spoon and a cornea, which reads like something I'd make up for one of my silly story intros. Honestly, if your plot could be written by a man in his pants at a PC then you might want to think about a second-draft. What has that got to do with Jagged Alliance Flashback? The currently Kickstarting strategy game has just released a strange, cool interactive screenshot that's like something out of David Caruso's imaginary software emporium.

Flashback's screenshot diorama is a frozen moment plucked from the game. You can spin around and slightly zoom into using the number keys, and space will select different parts of the scene. It's sadly not as OTT as CSI, so there's no cornea examining, but as we've yet to see a video of the game in action you might enjoy the strangeness of it. If screenshots are caterpillars and videos are butterflies, then this is the chrysalis.

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The Kickstarter is looking perilous, with $228,660 pledged of their $350,000 goal and only six days to go. I'm not sure this is better than a video at this stage of the campaign. I mean it's kind of cool, but going through the updates there's been a pile of work put into this that might've been better spent making a game that people can see running.

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