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New Evil Within Trailer Contains Messy Ways To Die

Marketing was the true evil all along. Deep, man.

I want to die doing what I loved: being pulled by ephemeral blood-soaked hands into the solid floor of some hell-set asylum. The Evil Within let's me simulate and prepare for this occasion ahead of time, plus many other less desirable demises. There's a new trailer below - there's been about a thousand of them now - ahead of the October 14th crikey-that's-Tuesday release.

I'm not normally a huge fan of survival horror, but I have enough affection for Resident Evil to be interested in Mikami's spiritual successor of sorts, and the chunk I played at Gamescom gave me hope. It was exactly as you'd expect: a spooky house, some environment puzzles, and trial-and-error progression through deadly jump scares and quicktime events. For what it lacks in originality, it makes up for in execution. There's a pleasing rhythm to the process of learning and overcoming obstacles in these games, and it has a similar precision in its world and enemy design to the beloved Resident Evil IV.

I'm a fan of Adam's take on the game as more action-packed gore-fest than pure survival horror, going all out on the inescapable hell angle. He'll be giving final judgement some time next week.

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