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Factorio plays Darude in this ridiculous video player build

Another great achievement for humankind.

I've had a go at Factorio [official site], and even managed to automate resource mining and production. I thought I had a good grip on the game until I saw what DaveMcW was able to create. Using just the components available in the base game, he managed to build what is essentially a video stream decoder and display program.

DaveMcW built a massive complex, composed of a display, memory, and decoder sections, then replicated it via Blueprint 10 times to make a 178x100 pixel display with a total of 34MB of memory. These might not seem like impressive numbers until you factor in that Factorio doesn't have a ton of built-in code interpretation, so the whole thing was mainly coded in Assembly.

All of this hard work went into playing the music video for Darude's "Sandstorm," but it seems like any video could be played on the massive array of small display modules. "Sandstorm" just happens to be one of the best choices that could have been used here. If you're looking to use DaveMcW's design, or build something similar, he goes in-depth on how he created the video player on the Factorio forums.

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