Fall Of The Tomb Raider: No PC Release For Rise
They really mean it, they say
When Square Enix announced Rise of the Tomb Raider at E3, they were careful not to mention platforms. The natural assumption was that they were wooing Microsoft and Sony over rights to call it "exclusive" to their console for a few months, but a PC release was a given, right? So I shrugged today at talk during Microsoft's big Gamescom press event that Tomb Raider 11 is coming "exclusively on Xbox", thinking that simply meant MS had given Squeenix an invitation to its birthday party, £2, and a Sherbet Dip Dab to ignore Sony at school for a term.
No, they really do mean Rise of the Tomb Raider won't be released on PC. Or so they say. Hmm!
"This doesn't mean that we're walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC," Crystal Dynamics head Darrell Gallagher said in a blog post today, pointing out that top-down shooty spin-off Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is still coming to PC. "Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities."
Call me a horrible old optimistic cynic, but I suspect we'll see a Rise of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition or Complete Collection on PC with all the (inevitable) DLC a while later. Still, it's impressive that MS managed to bung Squeenix enough money to declare the game not a "timed exclusive" or even a "console exclusive" but an actual proper exclusive. The publisher's had a rocky few years.
Here's the kind of hot therapy action that we won't be seeing on PC. Or not for six or nine or twelve months after it debuts on Xbox One, I blithely speculate.