Fallout 3 CD For Pre-Ordering US Types
Hello significant American proportion of our readership. It turns out, if you pre-order Fallout 3 from "Gamestop", whatever that is, you'll get a soundtrack CD thrown in. (And a poster. For people who are students. Or not planning to get married).
The soundtrack (apparently not on offer to dirty, disgusting foreigners like us, not even at our very own equivalent oh-my-goodness-they-own-GameStation-too-isn't-that-a-monopoly-surely Game) contains five songs, selected from the many in the game - three songs, and two bits of the score - as follows:
Presumably there will be some sort of BioShock-style hack for the rest of us to get the tunes anyway, once the game is out, and then you stinky US-Gamestop-shopping types will be laughing on the other side of your faces. You'll be so bitter. We'll have our time.