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Fallout 3: The Lush Green Desert

I'd have enjoyed Fallout 3 a whole lot more if it had more than three colours in it. Fortunately, an enterprising modder felt the same way, and has taken it upon himself to restore the chlorophyll to the wasteland's washed-out world. On paper, making the trees and grass clinging to life in a post-nuclear landscape a healthy shade of green sounds absolutely ridiculous, but in practice it makes an incredible amount of difference to a game that often coasts on limited artistic imagination. It doesn't end up looking like Oblivion 1.5 - rather, it still looks very much like the devastated wasteland it's supposed to. It's just that, now, plantlife's doing okay for itself even if humankind isn't. And it makes me want to explore so much more.

Grab this green and pleasant mod-ette from here.

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