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I Still Wish They'd Called it Far Cry 2: Cry Harder

We've only seen brief glimpses of Far Cry 2 so far, but at last the first proper in-engine trailer is upon us. It may not show anything of how the game actually plays (clue: it involves bullets and mens' faces), but it does feature these things: Zebras! Antelopey things! Savannah! Forest fires! Huts! Goodness, it's awfully pretty. Suspiciously pretty. Gen-yoo-eyne Crysis-beater or bullshot? You decide...

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If it does indeed look like that, I'll be a happy boy. I did have to giggle at the GIANT LETTERS stating the game uses the DUNIA ENGINE though -no doubt a result of Ubisoft getting a little fed up of people presuming they're using the first Crytek engine. And why not? It certainly seems like a sexy bit of pixel-tech. More thoughts on Far Cry 2 in Jim's preview.

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