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FEAR 3 Trailer Features Psychic Horror

I haven't been following FEAR 3 - and if you think we'd call it F.3.A.R., you're mad brand manager, mad - for the simple reason I found FEAR 2 such an empty experience. As such, not knowing its twist, the trailer at least made me smile - a co-op mode with two very different characters (the trad psychic-commando chap and the psychic-horror-chap) is appealing. Ever since Gauntlet - or later the similarly period-heavy SWIV - asymmetrical co-op games have been something I've looked out for. Trailer follows.

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I'm also reminded of SWIV's awesome end, where after killing everyone, your unit is disbanded because there's no-one else left to kill, so why would they need a heavily armed military unit. Hurrah!

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