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Fiddle With Nvidia's GraphicsFace Features

It feels like it was only, ooh, 1 month and 24 days since we last risked our collective sanity. We stared into the cold, shark-like eyes of the technological advancement of NvIdIa'S FaceWorks and lived. But at what cost? Back then, we were given a peep into the future of GraphicsFace with Digital Ira, a sadly uninteractive demonstration of what gamefaces will be like in the future. It looked impressive, but with the caveat that it was shown on stage and running on a Titan, Nvidia's mahoosive card of graphics. Well the tech monolith has just released the demonstration for everyone to play with. If you fancy making a high-fidelity head gurn, then your fetish is well catered for.

I have a GTX 580, and the gurn tech still runs relatively smoothly, so you don't need the terrifying teraflops of Titan to try it out. There are several settings to fiddle with, enabling you to pull off horrible things to that poor man's face. You can make him scream pre-canned phrases for your own amusement, you can alter lighting, or you can peek under the hood at the mesh below his skin. It was actually at the extreme edges that the demo impressed me. Forcing the camera in to his eyeball showed off scratchy veins and slight imperfections on the eye's surface. The pupil didn't react, but it was still impressively detailed. Grab it now, or watch the video below and lament your AMD-buying ways.

Watch on YouTube

Via Kotaku.

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