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FOLK Lore: RPS's ARMA Peeps Celebrate 2012

One of my absolute favourite things is that there are various RPS communities. Seriously, it blows my mind. People have become proper friends with other people because this website exists. That makes me very happy. One such community is the hardcore gathering who get together to play ARMA 2, FOLK ARPS. And as I'd hope for anything spawned of our name, they're an open, welcoming and friendly community, who encourage anyone interested in playing to join in. They've compiled a 10 minute video to show their antics in 2012.

I'm not even going to pretend to understand. I actually installed ARMA 2 with the intention of looking at DayZ, but was too terrified by the menus to even begin playing. But these are stronger, better, faster mens and womens than I. They understand what on Earth is going on at any point, and for that I respect and fear them:

Watch on YouTube

If you want to join them, you can see their simple requests on their site, and find out details about upcoming games on their forums.

And if you're another RPS-affiliated community and want some attention, let me know via my name above.

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