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Frabjous Day: No More GFWL In 40K Games

Yes yes, oh yes. THQ's announced that the unlovely Games For Windows Live will be dropped from the next installment of Dawn of War II (that'll be Retribution, which includes Orks in singleplayer and a mystery new race) and from Space Marine. Which is great news; not purely because GFWL sucks like a sucky thing born on the first of suck ninety-suckity-suck, but also because DOWII requiring both a GFWL login and a Steam login was a right old pain in the wobbly bits.

Retribution and Space Marine alike will be using Steamworks instead, which I think most of us would agree will be an infinitely preferable way of doing multiplayer, chatting and achievements. Sadly the two existing Dawn of War II titles remained saddled with Microsoft's code-beast, but at least the future's bright.

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