FREEDOM! Just Cause 2 Paints Its Face Blue
As we all agree, the most important thing in gaming is realism. It's the only thing I want in a game, the only thing I care about. Just so long as the experience is as close to replicating reality as is possible, then I'm happy. For instance, just now I'm playing this game where I update a website with a video of a game. Oh no, wait! That's actually happening! And demanding realism is idiotic! Phew. Which is why Just Cause 2 makes me want to hug everyone nearby and say, "Look! Just look!" If this game is crap, I'm going to find everyone responsible and kick them right in the knee. So, yes, new trailer.
After last time's semi-interactive trailer fun, this one instead embraces the, er, mid-90s with one of those photo montage thingies, which it zooms in and out of. But then there's blowie up explodie gun bang grapple tethers! And that makes me smile.