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Freeware Garden: Glitch Dungeon

Deliberate Bugs

Having so far miraculously avoided glitch games and all related jams, I decided to give Glitch Dungeon a try for three reasons: a) one must try everything at least once, b) its trailer looked promising, and c) I quite love games set in dungeons.

Granted, Glitch Dungeon's dungeon is quite obviously not of the garden Dungeons & Dragons variety, what with the game being a 2D puzzle platformer and all, but still a dungeon it is and like all proper dungeons it is filled with spells, quests, puzzles and monsters. And joy. Oh, yes, and meticulously planned glitches too.

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John eventually wised up and stopped worrying about dragons and collisions. He started loving glitched out goblins instead.

Actually, this is a meticulously planned bundle of joy in every aspect. A game that sits somewhere between the excellent design of VVVVVV and the exquisitely crafted world of Alphaland, yet somehow manages to never feel derivative, effortlessly stands on its own and showers its faithful with glee.

Every new, inventive screen in this browser based flick-screen affair is a delightful surprise; a fresh thing to play with, as apparently the whole glitch theme liberated developer cakeandturtles and enabled them to try out all sorts of conflicting mechanics and wild ideas and let you change colours, float, hover in mid-air, scale walls, become invisible and, why not, cast spells.

Yes, Glitch Dungeon is indeed a superb 8-bit styled and beautifully glitchy dungeon you should really be navigating. It even does chiptunes.

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