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Okay I Have No Idea: New Glitch Video

Jim posted about upcoming 2D browser MMOG Glitch at the start of the year. Back then, it all sounded deeply enigmatic. Developers Tiny Speck (a collection of ex-Flickr founders) stated that the game would see you exploring and growing the minds of 11 giants,and would be targeted at "people with above average intelligence and sophisticated tastes, in their 20s or early 30s."

Now, there's a video out. A video that doesn't shed light on the game so much as spray you down with words and images like you're nothing but a misbehaving dog. There's also a song. A song which walks you through the game between chimes of "And that's what this game is!" What is the game, Tiny Speck?! I don't understand...

Watch the video for yourself below. In all seriousness, it could be the best trailer I've seen all month.

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Piques your interest, no? Many more details on the official site.

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