Game of the Month: July – Her Story
Perfect Crime
Videogames spilling out of closets. Videogames stuffed under your bed. Videogames in your hair, and in your eyes, nose and mouth. Shrunken videogames clogging your pores, marching through your arteries. Videogames like rocks in your stomach.
Oh, hello. Are you suffering from too many videogames? That's why doctors* created Game of the Month. Take just one videogame monthly and you can fight the ill effects of having too much to play, not having enough time to play, or not knowing what to play. Game of the Month for July? It's Her Story [official site].
Her Story is a detective game in which you search a police database for keywords in order to find interview clips of a woman discussing the disappearance of her husband. It's also, arguably, the best FMV game ever made. Everyone at RPS likes it very much - and we've already done a review and a verdict. We'll have more features over the course of the month - but the point is, if you only have time to play one game, play this.
Why is July’s game a game that was released in May?
We want to be able to play the games we choose as Game of the Month, not speculatively guess at what might be worth your time. That means that the games we choose will already be out, and in some cases may have been released years ago if they have suddenly become relevant again. It also means you can start playing the game we pick immediately, if you so choose.
Have you guys done this before?
Yes. We've so far included Cities: Skylines, Grand Theft Auto V and Invisible, Inc. All of their respective features and GOTM coverage can be read here.
This post is supposed to arrive on the first Monday of each month, but then people keep going on holiday. Blame Billie Holiday, inventor of the holiday.
*We are not doctors. But Dr. Billie Ofthemonth, creator of Game Of The Month, is.