Left 4 Dead 2 Feed
Randomly installing Left 4 Dead 2 anime girl mods sure livens up hangouts
Refills a familiar game with surprises, mmmost of them good
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2009
We list our favourite games from 2009, and why they deserve to be preserved above everything else
Back 4 Blood’s card system crafts classes and chaos
The zombie shooter's customisation options change the levels and let you build your own classes
AGDQ 2021 lineup includes Hades and Sekiro
Honourable mention for the Celeste speedun, because those runs are always amazing
Left 4 Dead 2's huge The Last Stand update lands next week
A campaign, new Survival maps, and more
Steam dusts off some free weekends for the Spring Cleaning Event
The backlog cannot be escaped.
Steam's Spring Cleaning Event wants you to clear your backlog... Or just try a bunch of new games instead
Valve says: Stop buying, start playing
Left 4 Dead 2 Gallery