Gearbox's Borderlands To Be Published By 2K
Gearbox being the blokes who made Brothers In Arms, and 2K being Bioshock's publisher, of course. Borderlands is a post-apocalyptic shooter with vehicles (yes, a bit like Id Software's recent announcement, Rage) delivered in a sci-fi Mad Max style. The game will feature randomly generated missions and even some RPG-style character development, with customisable characters, weapons and vehicles. Best of all, however, is that it's going to be focusing on co-op multi-player. (Also a bit like Rage).
It's slightly spooky how much some RPS folk have been talking about vehicular combat games in the last few months, and then two come along at once. It's almost as if we're in tune with the zeitgeist, or something.
Also: the press release was filled with some of the most derivative garbage I've ever read. How many keywords can you fit in once sentence? I mean really.