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The Evil Within studio spooking us again with GhostWire: Tokyo


Tango Gameworks, the studio behind the splendid spookings of The Evil Within, have announced a new spooky game and I can't tell you much of anything about it. It's set in a Tokyo where some manner of bad rapture has happened, and we're left to fight ghosties. Not the good type of rapture, where those of us left behind are free to listen to rock 'n' roll music and do kisses. After The Evil Within, ah hell go on, show us your uninformative cinematic trailer and for now I'll trust you're making a good ghostgame.

Watch on YouTube

I do like the shot with the torii stretching out as odd flowers unfold.

I thought the announcement of Arkane's new game was vague but boy howdy here's the description of GhostWire:

"After strange disappearances hit Tokyo's population, it's up to you to uncover the source and purge the city of a strange, new evil. Armed with your own mysterious spectral abilities, you will face down the occult, unravel conspiracy theories and experience urban legends like never before.

"Don't fear the unknown. Attack it."

I'm not sure about that last bit of advice. A similar philosophy has seen me been banned from just about every cafe, pub, shop, and park within walking distance. I'd suggest simply unplugging the GhostWire, to stop the ghosts coming in, and you can always try attacking later if that doesn't work out. Though I should disclaim that I have also been banned from every surviving branch of Dixons.

GhostWire: Tokyo is coming to some sort of computer at some point.

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