Not-So-Secret Santa - Giants: Citizen Kabuto For Free
Thanks, GOG!
As GOG's winter sale nears its end, the virtual vendors of vintage (and virginal!) video games are offering a freebie to everyone, no purchase necessary: Planet Moon's Giants: Citizen Kabuto from the year 2000. Obviously, to save money for more bourbon, I shall be presenting Cara with a copy as her gift in our office Secret Santa once she returns from her festive nap. "It's a cult classic," I'll say. "Pretty funny. You get to be a giant and puny Britishfolk and a sea witch and everything. Took me ages to find." If any of you rotters give away the secret, there will be CONSEQUENCES.
To grab your free copy, head on over to the GOG front page and scroll all the way down past those squillion discounts until you see the banner offering it for free, then you should receive an e-mail with a voucher code. No, you can't skip this by going to the game's own page.
GOG's winter sale runs until 1:59pm on Sunday. Have you picked up anything interesting in it, gang? I haven't picked up anything yet myself, because I'm old and forget to check back in all the daily deals and whatnot.
Some of the folks behind Giants recently tried to crowdfund a spiritual successor by the name of First Wonder, but it did not go well. Far short of their goal, they decided to cancel their Kickstarter. They did say they haven't given up on the game, though.