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Gobbets! War For Cybertron Backstory

Hasbro's head of designing imaginary robots, Aaron Archer, looks incredibly tired in the below video. He shouldn't be. He has an awesome job. I want his job. Anyway, here he is talking about the storyline behind the upcoming hopefully not-shit Transformers game, War For Cybertron. I'm not expecting amazing things from WFC, but I am genuinely looking forward to it in a massively nerdy way. Speaking of which, it's overcast and I'm bored. I might go and buy a plastic robot. A backstory-explaining trailer (which also goes into why Megatron may be perceived as a hero) is below, and it's also worth mentioning that Jetfire, Sideswipe and Thundercracker have been added to the playable roster. There are tons of the buggers now - stare at their profiles here.

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