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Gone Gold: Spelunky 1.0

This is splendid news. Rogue-like-platformer Spelunky has inched out of Beta status and gained that shiny Gold. You can go get it here. If you need a reason to do so - well, I direct you at the long feature Quinns wrote on its joys, in which he took time to insult me in passing. You remember Quinns. Nice guy. Doesn't have much iron. Anyway, well done, Derek, maker of Spelunky. Also, the news that he's bringing another version to XBox Live means we can all look forward to when it's released in a year's time, and all the console journalists finally realise it's awesome, and it really gets on my fucking wick because I've been telling them to play the bastard thing for the last two years (Cross-ref: Trials HD).

And to give a taste of what you'll be doing a lot in Spelunky, here are some death montage vids.

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I mean dying. Not making montage videos. Though who am I to judge?

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