GTA IV PC Release Confirmed (By Me, And I'm Lying)
As GTA IV enters its extensive beta-testing period on 360 and PS3, the question remains exactly when it will be released on PC.
Okay, sure, they've yet to announce it for PC, but tradition dictates that it should be with us within the next year. And if that tradition continues, it will be a superior version designed for considerably more handsome people. Well, we've been down to the rumour mill, despite hazardous safety conditions and a lack of protective eyewear, and heard that it might be in November.
According to legendary breakfast TV presenter* Chris Evans (via GameRush), a German site is reporting November 30th for a PC release.
How true is this? Well, I'll decide for the world. It's 100% true. Now that's set in stone, Rockstar has an obligation to meet that date or lose significant investment, and as such Take-Two will immediately be bought by EA. It's serious Rockstar, very serious.
*This might be a lie.