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Have You Played... Bastion?

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

After the Calamity, few remain on the floating worlds of Bastion [official site]. You're one of them. And you love doing roly-polies.

Five years old. I hate writing these things, because it incessantly reminds me of the cruelty of the passage of time. Slow down time, you bastard, I've got far too much to do.

SuperGiant Games' breakthrough title, Bastion is a wonderful piece of world creation, narrative originality, and a gorgeous implementation of ARPG combat in a beautiful, bright land. Just writing sentences about it makes me want to start playing it again. Oh, and that narrator. And the songs! Oh gosh, it's completely wonderful, £11 on Steam, £11 on Humble, $15 on GOG.

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