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Have You Played... Full Spectrum Warrior?

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

I don't like games like Full Spectrum Warrior.

I like Full Spectrum Warrior.

Another of the licenses picked up and then ignored by Nordic Games after the sad death of THQ, and created by the missed and EA-murdered Pandemic, Full Spectrum Warrior was a real-time tactical shooter that streamlined the genre to a place where even I could enjoy it.

You had two teams of four soldiers, Alpha and Bravo fireteams, and you ordered them about via a really neat system that let you plop circles down behind obstacles in a very satisfying manner. They then carried out the hard work for you, which meant your focus was on movement and positioning, and gosh if it didn't work rather nicely.

For reasons beyond human understanding, the original game is still £8 on Steam, while the sequel, Ten Hammers, is only a fiver. They're both $10 on GOG.

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