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Have You Played... Room Of 1000 Snakes?

I don't know what else you'd expect

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

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That's ten snakes.

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That's one hundred snakes.

What does one thousand snakes look like? You can copy and paste that ten times to find out or, if you dare, you can enter... Room of 1000 Snakes.

Made by two of those lovely Arcane Kids, it's free, playable in your browser, and takes about two minutes, so ignore the warnings and head in. Do be sure to have your sound on.

It's such a small but delightful thing. Game names are such daft, cryptic, and hyperbolic things that it's surprising when one delivers exactly what it says. There's a room and there are... well, I haven't counted, but a lot of snakes. What else did you expect? And they arrive with such timing! Such exuberance! The conclusion is inevitable. The aftermath is certainly not.

"When is it okay to spoil a mechanic?" we recently wondered. I don't have a consistent rule. I'll embed a video of it for lazybones, but I'll say Room of 1000 Snakes has a weird and funny thing to come after this ends:

[Arcane Kids once DJed at an event I help organise, after which I inadvertently stole Ben Esposito's ghastly shades/visor combo headwear. Sorry. Please take it back. It's horrible.]

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