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Have You Played... #SelfieTennis?

Game, set and match

Some might say this VR lark is all a bit of a fad. Those someones, however, haven't played #SelfieTennis. It was one of the first games released for the HTC Vive back in the heady days of 2016, and goodness me I was absolutely sold the minute I put on the headset. If you're the owner of a pair of VR cybergoggles but don't have a copy of #SelfieTennis, I recommend you rectify that situation as soon as possible, because this is arguably the most fun you'll ever have in VR.

As you may have guessed from the title, #SelfieTennis is a game about playing tennis against yourself, with the added bonus of also being able to take in-game 'selfies' of your majestic, green, headset-wearing unicorn face whenever you damn well please (natch).

As soon as you swing and hit your virtual tennis ball with the aid of your Vive waggle sticks (or Rift Touch sticks if you're that way inclined), the game whisks you over to the other side of the court to hurl it back. On goes this merry dance until you either miss or accidentally murder one of the horrifying tennis ball cheerleaders parading around the side of the court, because what is a sports game without a bit of aggravated assault set to a jaunty, psychedelic soundtrack?

It doesn't get much more sophisticated than that, but it's nevertheless the perfect introduction to VR. It has effectively taken the best bit from one of the best-selling video games of all time - Tennis from Wii Sports - and given it a surreal VR makeover.

And besides, if you get bored of playing tennis against yourself, you can always turn all those accidental ball person murders into deliberate ball person murders and turn it into a tennis-based FPS. Everybody wins. Well, except the ball people, but the less said about those woolly-pants-wearing freaks the better.

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