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Heading Out is a vigilante driving adventure inspired by Vanishing Point

Outrun the cops, the sand storms, and your reputation

The next game from the folks behind tactical war sim Radio Commander looks like a wild ride. Whereas Serious Sim's last game pointedly kept you out of the action, coordinating from the tactical tent, Heading Out will put you in the driver's seat. Their upcoming cross-country adventure is about driving a muscle car through the American west like the anti-hero of an old movie. Serious Sim have just announced this one to hit the road sometime next year but its announcement trailer makes it look worth watching for.

Developers Serious Sim are calling Heading Out a "narrative-driven racing experience," inspired by the likes of Vanishing Point and Thelma & Louise.

You'll start each playthrough by answering questions about your vigilante driver and why they're on the run. That'll influence what kind of radio chatter you hear as you drive along, because apparently your antics are all over the airwaves. There's a lot of both—dangerous driving and radio commentary—down here in its announcement trailer.

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It's tough to tell from a trailer just how the driving bits feel, but the comic book style panels and black and white visuals certainly communicate a mood. Even if you're going hands on in this particular adventure, it sounds like Serious Sim are still expecting you to employ a bit of strategy and map knowledge.

"Choose your path across America. Keep an eye on your fuel meter, car condition and wanted level," they say. "Think strategically. Study the map. Meet mysterious travelers, make interesting choices and discover fascinating sites."

RPS's Radio Commander review calls their last game an "unforgettable taste of bona fide battlefield chaos". All the more impressive as its experienced entirely through a map and radio reports. It'll be neat to see Serious Sim change lanes for something a little more action-oriented.

Serious Sim are planning a 2022 release date for Heading Out. You can find and wishlist it over on Steam until then.

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