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He's Not A Drop To Drink: Walter

Walter is not a stop motion point and click game about a bag of water exploring the world. The trailer suggests that's what it's going to be before actually demonstrating that it's a gorgeous platformer with fluid physics, state changes and a delightful sense of wonder. Fair enough then, although I'd probably play the stop motion version as well. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until the terrifying future time that is 2013, at which point all of Earth's water will have been turned into brown fizzjuice by Coca Cola, which will then sell it to the highest bidder at horrific blood-auctions. Poor Walter's going to look like a terribly inappropriate work of mockery. See for yourself below.

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At first it's like a glorious Dream Machine or Toonstruck type thing, but then it's a bit like a jollier Gish.

Spotted at The Indie Game Magazine.

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