Hey, What Happened To Street Fighter IV PC?
Whilst idly watching Twitter and Facebook continue to fill up with console types nattering excitedly about Street Fighter IV being the best thing since deep-fried cabbage or something, I entirely forgot that I was supposed to be playing it too. There was a PC release due, remember? I became miffed. Like this: grrrrrrr.
A quick spot of searching revealed a) Amazon claiming it's now due in June. June! and b) a story from October that I'd somehow missed, in which Capcom admitted it'd be released after the console versions. No reason or date was given. Tomorrow I'll attempt to find out what's going on, or if we should presume this'll quietly disappear and never be mentioned again. It would be a shame - I've no idea how well it'd work on PC or how big the audience would be, but it'd certainly be fascinating to see how a high-profile fighting game does fit this old box of ours.