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Watch A Cybercat Explore A Kowloon-y Cybercity

Dystopian dreams

The game doesn't have a proper name yet and I couldn't rightly tell you what it is, but I am certainly enjoying seeing a cat roam the neon alleys of a cybercity inspired by Kowloon Walled City in HK Project [dev blog]. Creators Koola & Viv call it "a cat adventure video game" - a grossly underserved genre. We'll get to be a cybercat wandering down alleyways, platforming around, and generally taking in the sights? It's still early days for the game, but my Monday's certainly brightened up by watching this:

That's a peek at their latest "graphic test", shown on Saturday. Here's another small look, from April:

As for what it actually is, this prototype from January shows a little of the platforming systems they've been working on:

"We need few more years to make what we want," the devs say in an FAQ. That's fine. I am happy as long as pleasant pictures and clips and GIFs keep appearing in my RSS reader. Yes, that includes them playing with the Procedural Trash Placer (that's some Unreal Engine tech made by Ammobox Studios):

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