Hovercraft Want: Just Cause 2 DLC Trailer
I don't think the initials "DLC" quite fill us with the thrill that they were once intended to. Instead this promise of extra content for our games - something that you'd immediately assume would render us happy - now carries with it that little tone of dread: how will it go wrong this time? But how strong is that feeling? What happens when you combine it with a game that's receiving so much positive attention? A game like Just Cause 2. We've not seen a single thing to dampen our spirits for Avalanche's hyperbolic action crazyfest, so let's see if we can get through a trailer for the DLC planned to come free with pre-orders for the game without this changing.
Pre-order it NOW, it rudely instructs, and you'll get a silly skull on your parachute, an extra car, an assault rifle that's been given a name (see here for why that might be a problem), "Rico's Signature Gun" which seems a strange thing for him not to have anyway, and a hovercraft.
But... I can't... stay... scornful! Look at it! Look what he's doing with those silly extras that inevitably have equivalents in the game anyway! Oh my goodness, that hovercraft looks awesome. What if there's no hovercraft otherwise? There's bound to be a hovercraft anyway, right? Oh no, I don't know! And so on.