Incoming! Team Fortress 2 Update Of Fixes And Maps
There are some things that need to fixed in Team Fortress 2. Valve explain: "Unfortunately, as players' tactics and abilities have grown, so have the bugs and exploits in some of the maps. For example, since Badwater shipped in The Heavy Update, TF2 has added more than 140 weapons to the game, some of which introduced new capabilities: sentry jumping, rocket jumping with no health cost, the ability to pick up and move your buildings. All of these are just a fraction of the many ways players can now turn maps like Badwater upside down." But there's also some content on the way, too, with two new maps appearing: " Introducing two all-new Capture Point maps: Process and Standin. Beyond a great polish, both of these maps offer unique and exciting gameplay; Process with its five streamlined Capture Points and Standin with its triple Cap Point free-for-all." The new maps are by community mapper Ian Cuslidge, so congratulations to him.