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Indie RPG hit Cris Tales will be free to keep from Epic next week

Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons is free right now

It's neat that Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons is free to keep from the Epic Games Store right now. It's a fun, heartfelt adventure in which you control two characters simultaneously to complete a dangerous journey. You've got until February 24th to grab it.

Brothers is almost ten years-old, though. More exciting is that Cris Tales, last year's beautiful RPG, is the next freebie in line.

You can grab Brothers from the Epic store now, if you have a free Epic account. You can read John's old Brothers review if you need a refresher of its charms. He called it "a compellingly beautiful game, yet remarkably dark."

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Cris Tales, meanwhile, is an RPG developed in Colombia which hits the high notes of JRPGs "with gusto" according to Nic Reuben's review. It stars Crisbell, a young orphan who discover she's a time mage and gets drawn into an adventure across multiple timelines. As Nic writes:

As it progresses, Cris Tales reveals itself as a story far more concerned with the plights of favela families and exploited diamond miners than with knightly orders or royal bloodlines. There’s still plenty of whimsy, goblins, and time travel shenanigans, but magical and social realism holds it all together. Your party will cast fantastical spells, but then they’ll sip fruit juice boxes to restore MP. You’ll battle a teleporting crow-witch, only to decide whether the family inheritance she planned to steal should go to restoring a university or a museum.

It's most striking for its art style, which sets 2D, geometric characters in a 3D world and feels like running around a pop-up book.

Anyway, you'll be able to grab Cris Tales, which is ordinarily £35, from February 24th. For now, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons is well worth your time.

Looking for more freebies? Check out our list of the best free PC games to play in 2024.

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